Đặt câu với từ "retaliate|retaliated|retaliates|retaliating"

1. Do not retaliate (29)

2. The USA retaliates by attacking Beijing with nuclear weapons.

3. I was sorely tempted to retaliate.

4. Obviously I haven't done it. You retaliated unjustly.

5. If you strike me, I shall retaliate.

6. Retaliating with extreme accuracy the Anchises drove off her attacker.

7. He slapped his sister, who retaliated by kicking him.

8. When provoked, do not retaliate. —Proverbs 26:20.

9. Will you retaliate when another curses you?

10. 1 I was sorely tempted to retaliate.

11. Yaxchilan retaliated in 759, gaining a victory over its enemy.

12. In other places we find Whig crowds retaliating to a Tory initiative.

13. Before retaliate Hathcock shot, Snake disappears into the jungle.

14. The army began to retaliate against the civilian population.

15. If you do something, then tomorrow they'll retaliate.

16. The incident has raised concerns that the government may retaliate.

17. The Soviet Union retaliated by threatening "dire consequences" if the condemnations were not retracted.

18. He has promised to take tough measures to retaliate against extremists.

19. 6 She felt a needle of annoyance goading her to retaliate.

20. DO NOT RETALIATE or respond Aggressively to an abusive comment

21. 25 He had authorisation from the military command to retaliate.

22. She felt a needle of annoyance goading her to retaliate.

23. Le Saux was fined and banned for one match for retaliating off the ball.

24. Abishai wanted to have Shimei killed, but David refused to retaliate.

25. Synonyms for Avenging include requiting, revenging, redressing, repaying, retaliating, venging, bewreaking, chastening, chastising and punishing

26. If you are rude to me, I shall retaliate with equal rudeness.

27. No organization or individual shall suppress, retaliate against or persecute a complainant.

28. He smiled that long, slow, sarcastic smile, but he didn't retaliate.

29. Stupidly, without calculation, she was seized by the need to retaliate.

30. The militia responded by saying it would retaliate against any attacks.

31. 4:4) If we have been the object of unkind words or actions, let us not sin by retaliating.

32. Synonyms for Counterattacking include striking back, reacting, retaliating, reciprocating, responding, replying, getting, hitting back, returning fire and fighting back

33. They may retaliate with sanctions on other products if the bans are disregarded.

34. The French retaliated with their own planes, but the damage caused was less than equal.

35. In an attempt to manipulate the ADU to retaliate against the reservation.

36. The government wants peace, but will not hesitate to retaliate if attacked.

37. The North has not retaliated militarily but amid the rising tension last week vowed a " sacred war " .

38. The destroyer moved to investigate, at which point the unknown ship opened fire, and Patterson retaliated.

39. (b) Relate an experience you have had or heard about that shows the wisdom of not retaliating.

40. The British retaliated with a punitive sweep that began on 10 November, under the cover of air attacks.

41. If someone insults you, don't retaliate as it only makes the situation worse.

42. Vietnamese authorities not only retaliate against rights advocates, but against ordinary citizens as well.

43. She decided not to retaliate physically, because it would put her in even greater danger.

44. Lot, however, did not allow their wickedness to cause him to retaliate in kind.

45. Nor was a desire to retaliate for the Triple Intervention of 1895 totally absent.

46. A forgiving strategy is one that, although it may retaliate, has a short memory.

47. The papacy did not respond well to this criticism of Hadrian, and Leo retaliated sharply in 7

48. But if people don't heed to our advice and harass the tusker, then it can retaliate.

49. Styles struck Nakamura with a chair, however, Nakamura retaliated with a low blow; Styles stood at an eight count.

50. Young Oliver Rowntree, nursing his outrage, spent the summer brooding about what he could do to retaliate.

51. The police commandos surrounding the compound retaliate with barrages of military marches delivered by portable speakers.

52. The Parliament of England retaliated with the Alien Act 1705, threatening to devastate the Scottish economy by restricting trade.

53. On news of the November arrest of the alcalde, the Mexican government began preparing to retaliate.

54. I fully accept that it was wrong of the guards to retaliate with blows and kicks.

55. The idea was to knock out the enemy' s communications...... before he, she, or they could retaliate

56. Michael Gardenier says he was retaliated against when he Complained about misconduct, which included details of wrongdoing on the part of …

57. Synonyms for respond Cheekily to include answer back, retort, riposte, counter, argue, cheek, quibble, react, respond and retaliate

58. Acquit (v.) mid-13c., aquiten, "repay, reciprocate, reward or retaliate for" (a good or bad deed); c

59. Continuing deterrent credibility would, in future, depend upon Britain's known ability to retaliate with an invulnerable Second Strike weapon.

60. A neighbour retaliated on behalf of his fallen friend and in an instant a volcano of commotion had erupted in front of Hencke.

61. A·gaʹpe (love) transcends personal enmities, never allowing these to cause one to abandon right principles and to retaliate in kind.”

62. In 1087 the Pechenegs raided into Thrace, and Alexios crossed into Moesia to retaliate but failed to take Dorostolon (Silistra).

63. Refraining from thoughts and words that can cause pain to others and refraining from retaliating when insulted or unjustly criticized are some examples of Ahimsa

64. Instead of retaliating, Lego set up a 'Mindstorms User Panel' — made up of volunteer 'lead users' — to co-create and test new toy designs.

65. Adam was just about to retaliate with the vegetable spoon when there was a loud knock on the front door.

66. The FAA ignored safety issues ahead of deadly crashes, Cozied up with companies it was supposed to regulate, and retaliated against whistleblowers, according to …

67. Rather than become incensed or try to retaliate when they malign or falsely accuse us, we simply “let them be.” —Matt.

68. In December, the Taliban retaliated for the brazenness of the resistance in the district, sending a suicide bomber to disrupt voting during a by-election.

69. In both cases it is likely to retaliate by offering favourable conditions to one of its competitor's customers with a similar offtake.

70. 11:24, 25, 27) Joseph resisted the advances of Potiphar’s wife, who had the power to retaliate and cause him harm.

71. 29 Especially when you foresee that he will speak evilly to you, you must think out the expression to retaliate him.

72. The Maya retaliated at first by withholding church taxes, taking their children out of church schools, shunning catechism classes, and refusing to work on the haciendas, or plantations.

73. The latter move prompted the government to retaliate by establishing a blockade around the island and withdrawing all services from the inhabitants.

74. Horne is now fighting for her full pension and pushing to pass Cariole's Law, which she said would protect police who intervene from being retaliated against.

75. Bob Aggress Don't (-50,-100) (5,4) Al If Bob Aggresses then retaliate; if not, do nothing If Bob Aggresses then don't retaliate; if not, do nothing (4,5) (5,4) MacBook Air & Sequential Games 289 As usual, the payoff to the left is the payoff to Al, while the payoff to the right is the payoff to Bob.

76. On 11 March 1831, in what became known as the "noite das garrafadas" (night of the broken bottles), the Portuguese retaliated and turmoil gripped the streets of the national capital.

77. Admiral Scheer retaliated two days later by bombarding Almería, causing much destruction, and the resulting Deutschland incident meant the end of German and Italian participation in non-intervention.

78. 24 synonyms for Avenge: get revenge for, revenge, repay, retaliate for, take revenge for, hit back for, requite, pay (someone) back for, get even for

79. These Belligerences resulted in clashes with law enforcement, whose efforts were to enforce compliance; in return some residents retaliated by throwing stones and bottles at officers in a most disgraceful way

80. The nations Conquered and held as a province have, in time, retaliated by destroying the liberty of their conquerors through the corrupting effect of extended patronage and irresponsible power